Clare Mann - Psychologist, Author and Trainer - Half Day Communication Workshops

Skills for Conversations that Matter to Stay Free in an Unfree World - ½ Day Workshop

Sunday 28th May 12:30pm to 5:00pm -
Montmorency Eltham RSL

Are you:

If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, then you are not alone.
You can JOIN US IN ONE OF OUR IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS where speaking your truth and aligning your values is championed, where freedom of thought and speech are prized and core communication skills refined so you engage others more effectively and become a more potent force for change.

By joining us on a Skills for Conversations that Matter Workshop, you will:

  • Understand why communication misunderstandings happen and how to overcome them.

  • Identify and challenge assumptions that stop you truly listening to others and which lead to conflict and resistance.

  • Develop the mindset and core foundational skills from which to have difficult conversations.

  • Feel more confident in speaking your truth which maintaining rapport and respect.

  • Understand what goes wrong in communication and how to fix it.

4.5 Hour In-person highly interactive workshop

What Attendees Say...

"My recent attendance at Clare Mann's ‘Take Back Your Power To Be Heard’ half day workshop was enlightening, challenging and high value. Clare’s style and facilitation brought our group empowerment in our conversations that seemed to be hidden behind our self-consciousness and fear. Most of us, even those with MBA’s couldn’t say they have ever learnt specific one to one communication that will help you listen and be heard. A half day session with Clare could empower you to be heard in ways you had never realised before."
Dominic Philippa
Maintenance Manager/Engineer Falcon Air
"I contacted Clare due to my appreciation after reading her book "Communicate." From this contact a fruitful relationship has developed. I recently attended her half-day "Take Back The Power to Be Heard" workshop. It was a awakening experience demonstrating the importance of listening and inter-personal skills. Clare was an expert and inspiring trainer and facilitator. Thanks Clare"
Robet Dickerson
Chartered Accountant, NSW

Your investment: $35.00. Training is FREE. On the day you will receive a hardcover copy of Clare Mann’s book, Communicate: HOW to say What Needs to be Said, WHEN it needs to be said, in the WAY it needs to be said. $5.00 of registration will go to the venue organiser for costs.

Book Now as Workshop is Limited to 30 Attendees


The cost of our ½ day communication programs are normally $295.00 person. However, the training is effectively free because we believe in the importance of like-minded people developing these essential skills to work effectively with others and speak out effectively. However, to register you have to pay $35.00 and on the day you will receive a hard-cover copy of Clare Mann’s best-selling book, Communicate: How to Say What Needs to be Said, When It Needs to be Said, in the Way It Needs to be Said. The other $5.00 will be given to the organiser who will choose how to spend it for e.g. the venue or other future group costs.

All training materials, handouts and exercises will be provided by us, as well as the online communications, feedback forms, registrations, taking of payments, provision of books to distribute during the day.

No refunds will be made after booking. However, if you are unable to attend, you can donate your place to someone else by advising your organiser. If you are attending a public program (with no organising group), you can email us direct with the full details of the person you are transferring the workshop to. If you can’t find a replacement but would still like a copy of the book, you can arrange to have someone collect it on the day (or from the organiser after the program).

Workshops are not videod. Role-plays are done with real-life examples (which you choose) and not videod in order to maintain confidentiality of material shared and increase each person’s comfort in sharing.

Absolutely. We do not share the personal details of attendees. If you are attending as part of a group, we will liaise with organisers but only for the purpose of the workshop or advising you of any future programs you may want to know about.

We encourage you to bring a physical notepad and pencil/pen to make any notes for later reference. However, you are not expected to write copious notes. You will be directed to relevant reading in the book after the workshop. The course is highly interactive with a focus on learning through experience.

The workshop is not suitable for children and we ask that people don’t bring children in order to avoid distractions. You will carry out numerous role-plays and exercises and if anyone is distracted looking after children it will affect others who won’t be able to complete their practice.

Companion animals are not permitted to attend the workshop, except in the case where an animal usually attends the group meetings and the venue allows for this. Permission will have to be sought from the organser who must assure us of the suitability of this.

Organisers are responsible for light refreshments, tea, coffee and water. If the venue does not provide crockery, you will be advised prior to the event and asked to bring a mug and glass.


You will be advised near to the time of registration as to parking facilities.

You will be advised near to the time of registration as to public transport options to the from the venue.

Who is Clare Mann?

Clare is a psychologist, existential psychotherapist and author of numerous books and training programs. She has worked in over 20 countries, running training programs and speaking at conferences and festivals, and is skilled in identifying the myths that keep us trapped in attitudes, thoughts and behaviours that limit our potential to be our best.
She believes that the last few years have highlighted much of what is dysfunctional in our society and the individual change that must happen if we are to collectively contribute to creating a society to which we all wish to belong. She believes that each of us has the potential to contribute to creating the society we desire. Her programs focus on increasing one’s self-awareness and matching this with exquisite communication skills in order to collaborate effectively with others.   More details:

Books by Clare Mann

Clare teaches you the skills that make difficult conversations a breeze and explains the empathic listening techniques that are the foundation of effective communication. Hard Cover Book.

This book takes an in-depth look at the real reasons people resist change. Through the use of ‘myths,’ Clare takes the reader step-by-step through a practical understanding of existential psychology, empowering them to identify misplaced beliefs in their own life and to recognise these inbuilt restrictions in others’ lives.  Fifty self-reflection exercises to help you understand yourself better and how you can increase choice and mastery in your own life. In doing this, you are more prepared to understand other people’s blind spots and adjust your communication so others become more curious and open-minded about their choices and actions.

Human Resource Development provides the reader with commentary, activities and review sections in an integrated approach. The action-oriented approach is vital for practicing managers but increasingly for postgraduate and final year undergraduates who have work experience.  This text reflects organizational realities and balances and integrates the coverage of individuals, teams and organizational learning.The book is written in a straightforward manner and explains concepts and key issues in a lucid style.