A Beautiful Bird? (add image of bird person till 0:50 then back to clare)
There were several things to see in this image. And you might be someone who immediately said, well, there’s a beautiful parrot there, beautiful long plume at the back, and I can see their beak and they’re looking to the left, but then you might be also someone who has, suddenly realized that this is actually a woman who has body paint on and she’s sitting with her right leg, folded up, her left leg, stretched out, and she’s got her arm reached over her head.
Once you see that you can’t unsee it. And then I asked you to switch to looking at the parrot and you see a bird or you switched to looking at a person when I’ve run courses before, and I’ve shown people, these images, they find it. Some people find it very difficult to actually see the person. Some people see it right away.
What this is demonstrating, is that what we focus on or the context in which we’re seeing something sets the scene for the information we receive, we receive so much information each day in our physical and social world that we have to filter it out. We’d be totally overloaded. These are examples that show us that if we focus on one thing only, if all we have is a hammer, every problem will become a nail.
And many people answer differently to this. They suddenly think are, I’ve never done a few exercises in this. And I realize that there’s hidden things in the picture. Or my son has one of these, you know, storybooks and they can, there’s people hidden there, Tiger’s hidden in this image. And they might look to the right and say, oh, I see a black Panther.
And as you look to it, you might see on the far right. Halfway down two eyes and you think, oh, there’s a, there’s a, a wild cat in there. Other people might say, oh, well, there’s a little thin sort of brown tiger. And there’s a white one behind it. I can’t see the full face, but maybe that’s what she’s asking us.
You might also have seen something very different, but if you haven’t let me point this out to you. I asked where point out the hidden tiger. The words are written on the Tiger’s body, starting with “the”, which starts from the neck, towards the body. The word “hidden” is written on the main part of the body.
And the word “tiger” is written down the left leg of the animal. And you probably able to see that if you hadn’t seen it before, that is an example of, we go into a situation and think, oh, I’ve done this sort of exercise before and very quick shorthand and sort of experience shorthand means that we immediately go and look for what we’ve thought about before in this context of problem solving.
And the reality is this is very different we don’t expect the hidden tiger, his words to be written on an animal’s body, but now you’ve see it. So all of these are ingredients for understanding what gets in the way of us truly having the rapport between someone to connect with them, to talk about the things that matter.
So all of these are examples of what’s standing in the way for us to have the basis to start to use specific active skills, to have the conversations that matter. We have got to learn to create and maintain rapport. If we fall out of it. Everything from, there is an uphill struggle. We’ve got a stop storytelling.
We project through the veil of our experience, our values, our relationships with other people. And that stands in the way of a, seeing a fresh and being open-minded to problem solving and connecting with other people. We do that by questioning our assumptions and the specific skills are going to show you how to do that.
But we also have to think outside the box. When we go in with one little filter. We will only see certain things. Now that’s important when we’re talking to someone, we might keep asking the open-ended questions. We might check out certain things and use some of the skills I’m going to show you. But sometimes we have to go outside almost to what I call the pastuers new, where we bring.
In other information, we ask people about other experiences or what would you do if have you ever been in this situation before we’re thinking outside the box and these examples have demonstrated this.