Communicate31 Accountability System Details

The Communicate31 Accountability System provides you with practical skills and support to become a exquisite communicator, whilst equipping you with the internal resources to handle the most challenging communication dilemmas. Individuals on the program are committed to creating a context in which they can develop their personal and professional abilities. Many run their own businesses, whilst others work in roles where they manage and lead others.

This program will develop your communication capacity in ways that directly develop your leadership ability – whether formally or informally as a thought leader. Over 16 months, you acquire the essential skills for communication mastery in all situations. These have been created through research and experience of psychologists, consultants and coaches working to enhance human potential worldwide. Eight pillars of communication have been identified to create lasting change in your behaviour and communication

The COMMUNICATE31 ACCOUNTABILITY SYSTEM ensures you acquire and practice essential skills needed for personal and business mastery.

Through this programme you will:

  • Significantly increase your communication ability.
  • Change your mindset and become open to new solutions.
  • Approach all conversations with ease and confidence.
  • Influence others to become part of your initiatives.
  • Develop creative ways to achieve your goals with ease.
  • Eliminate negative self-talk and speak with confidence and clarity.
  • Break unconscious cycles of self-sabotage that inhibit quality dialogue.
  • Create quality relationships by diffusing conflict and appreciating diversity.
  • Develop greater influence and gravitas so others take you seriously.
  • Increase your performance, presence and impact to enrol others in your dreams.
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You know how frustrating it is when you can’t communicate what you truly think or feel.  This program will make communication your strength, so every conversation becomes powerful and impactful.  The CAS combines positive psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness to create permanent behaviour change, which means results in every area of your life.

What is required is an internal change so you:

  • Recognise any negative communication patterns.
  • Understand why your buttons are pressed.
  • Change the reactions that limit your success in all relationships.
  • Align your inner beliefs with your conscious intentions.
  • Discover exactly the steps to accelerate your results.
  • Get the results you desire through inspired action.
  • Know exactly what you must do for continued success.

About Clare Mann

Clare Mann, Managing Director of Communicate31, is a renowned Psychologist, Bestselling Author and one of Australia’s key agents of change. Her expertise in communications and psychology has lead her to be one of the most sought after psychologists in Australia.

What's Included


Approximately every 60 days you attend a seminar at the Wentworth Sofitel hotel in Sydney. Each seminar focuses on developing skills and expertise in one of the eight pillars of communication.


In your first coaching session, we create your C31 Profile Plan. We identify specific challenges and develop personal goals for the next 16 months. From this, you prepare prepare for your first one day seminar.


One hour webinars between seminars keep you focused as you re-connect with other members and explore solutions to specific challenges and opportunities.


You are paired with another person to practice newly learnt skills in-between seminars, ensure accountability and a context within which to get better results.


Our online platform provides a mastermind context within which you can regularly interact, share ideas, ask for feedback and benefit from the interaction of other members.


You are  provided with supporting materials, exercises, videos and direction for each of the Pillars. Together with the Communicate book these provide skills-based assistance to ensure skills are practiced and  performance improved.


Month by month, by participating in a structured process, bringing your issues and goals to the seminar, and spending a day focusing on building your capability, your confidence and leadership ability grows tremendously.

With confidence to encounter the most difficult communication challenges, you find you have more energy, creativity and balance in your life, preparing you for leadership at every level of your professional development. You’ll find your personal relationships improve as you naturally use these skills 31 days a month in every situation.

Pillars (every 60 days)

Self Talk

The Communicate Accountability System helps you master and direct your self-talk to support the delivery and content of everything you say. You will learn to become a self-talk detective and ensure you create positive internal dialogue that empowers your communication content and delivery


When you become proficient in transforming your emotional and intellectual states, you will increase your influence in every aspect of your life. You will become confident in re-directing your energy to create win-win solutions for everyone involved. By mastering your ‘inner voice’ you become congruent in your communication, building trust and commitment from others.


When you break your hidden cycles of self-sabotage that inhibit quality dialogue, you will feel confident and empowered to handle difficult conversations that previously were avoided. You will learn to choose specific language and dialogue to support your message without unconsciously sabotaging your success.


Developing and practising sincere empathy across diverse audiences, skyrockets the quality of your communication. Your communication will become clear and concise and its delivery will facilitate greater trust and commitment in your intention and vision.


When you understand the transactional interplays that underpin all communication, you gain immediate insight into your own and other people”s contribution to communication conflicts. You will learn a sound methodology to analyse transactions and demystify the reasons for conflict and miscommunication. Understanding the interplay in one to one and group interactions, immediately empowers you to fine-tune the content and delivery of your communication.


Generational differences, opportunity and competition mean people have much more choice than previously. Becoming a exquisite communicator means you communicate and lead with presence, gaining the willing cooperation from others who respond to a collaborative leadership style. By co-operating effectively you will increase other people”s trust in your message and take others with you to achieve superior outcomes.


However carefully you deliver difficult information, it can be challenging to maintain relationship harmony until you learn sophisticated skills where people feel valued and listened to during difficult dialogue. Building relationship collateral is an on-going activity and by becoming congruent in your communication, you will reap the benefits of others who trust that you will follow through on your promises.


Influencing others requires developing a mindset that is self-reflective, congruent, consistent and value-driven. Unlike skills workshops that result in mood change, this workshop reinforces every aspect of intellectual, emotional and interactional influences to create lasting change in your communication. Influencing others becomes easier and setbacks are temporary and provide input of what needs to be done. By changing your mindset, your personal as well and professional relationships thrive.

What People Say About the Communicate31 Accountability System

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