The Psychology of Escaping the Day Job

If you love your job and can’t wait to get there in the morning and, at the end of the day feel energised, satisfied knowing you make a difference, then stop reading now. If that’s not the case and you feel trapped and frustrated, wondering how to escape the treadmill, knowing your values are compromised…

Feeling undermined at work?

Do you ever feel undermined at work? Maybe you find yourself in 1:1 conversations or in meetings and that rolling of the eyes, sarcasm in the voice or back-handed comment from someone triggers you to think, ‘They’re deliberately undermining me!’ What do you do? If you say there’re undermining you, they’re likely to deny it…

What Successful People Do That Unsuccessful People Don’t

Successful people decide and act differently than unsuccessful ones.  There is overwhelming evidence that successful people decide quickly and rarely change their minds.  Unsuccessful people take a long time to decide and are always changing their minds and often feel anxious about the rightness of their decisions.  My recent experience at a yoga class not…

Thanks Gen Y – Keep Questioning The Leader

Every generation no doubt reaches a certain age when they raise their hands in the air and ‘Despair for the youth of today!’  When the behaviours, values and norms of individuals belonging to a younger generation are so different from those of an older observer, it might seem that the world is becoming a worse…

How much is enough?

Ever get a deep anxiety gnawing away inside asking, ‘Is this all there is to life?’ After years of striving to be the best in your game, do you wonder why you’re doing all this beyond financial gain, status or material comforts?  If you’ve asked yourself this, you’re not alone. In fact, if you’ve been…

Do this and you will be successful

Ever wonder why some people are successful and overcome obstacles whilst others are not, struggle or give up along the way? What are the qualities of successful people that each of us can emulate and create success on our own terms.  Watch this video on The Science and Psychology of Success on The Entrepreneur Tribe…

No Exceptions Rules for Being Taken Seriously

Have you ever noticed that when you have a ‘no exceptions’ rule on how you want to be treated, people don’t resist you, push your boundaries or disrespect you? However, when something is not as important but you want others to comply, you have to repeat the request and feel you are nagging or being…

Are We Failing At Being Assertive?

Is lack of assertiveness really a problem for today’s outspoken society? After all, we are encouraged to speak out, educate others how to treat us and voice our opinions. But many people do this badly and instead of being assertive they end up being aggressive without even knowing it’s a problem – until they have…